About Us

The First hi-Tech Test Tube Baby Centre Of North Malabar
/About Us


Transforming lives for a better tomorrow




Janardan hospital was founded by Dr. K.P Janardan in the year 1963. With 60 years of service, Janardan hospital has marked remarkable contributions to the medical history of Kasaragod. The hospital is situated at the heart of Kasargod town. With a mission to provide the best in health care with a human touch, Janardan hospital was the first private hospital of Kasaragod district. The introduction of X-Ray and Ambulance was the contribution of Janardan hospital to the natives of Kasaragod.

The hospital is conceived at the heart of Kasaragod town, adjacent to KSRTC bus stand and 1km away from Railway station. The hospital is just 50km away from Mangalore which makes it convenient for patients from Mangalore. Janardan Hospital possess 24 hours resident doctors and Emergency, Trauma and Accident care, most modern technology integrated Operation theatres, Medical , Critical and Neonatal ICU’s, High-Tech laboratories and radiology equipment , comfortable and hygienic rooms, suites and wards, canteen, juice shop and more.

Being a one stop multi-specialty hospital, Janardan hospital has maintained highest standard for quality and health care throughout its way. Upholding the vision to become the most responsible and trusted partner to get people healthier, Janardan Hospital ensures world class healthcare service with the integration of most modern facilities. The team of well expertise specialist and the trained paramedical staff being our strength, we are sure to offer top-notch quality health service with care, compassion and perfection.

Dr. Ranjini Janardan
Dr. Ranjini Janardan

The pillar of strength and the soul of this Hospital, who through her dedication, commitments and passion built the hospital and left a legacy for the next generation of doctors to carry the mantle forward. Served the Hospital from 1970 to 2013.

Janardan Hospital, has made history by introducing neurosurgery for the first time to Kasaragod.This achievement was marked by the successful burr hole evacuation neurosurgery on an 84-year-old lady with acute on chronic subdural haemorrhage.The surgery was skillfully conducted by the renowned neurosurgeon, Dr.Pavaman, and his dedicated team.
This milestone eliminates the need for patients to travel long distances for any emergency care, as JH Kasaragod can now offer such neurosurgical treatments.
The post-operative care was exceptionally managed by the experienced intensive care team at Janardhan Hospital, led by Dr.Dhananjay Bhat, Dr. Muhammad Shifar, and the team of dedicated intensive care nurses.
Following the surgery, the patient’s condition remarkably improved and has been discharged in a stable condition. This accomplishment at Kasaragod signifies that such neuro surgical interventions can successfully conducted at Kasaragod and paves way for other hospitals in Kasaragod to follow performing more neurosurgeries in the near future locally


To be the most trusted partner in health care


To attain satisfaction and success by providing world’s best health care services to the most needed people with the touch of care and compassion


Transforming lives for a healthier future



Comprehensive outpatient and inpatient care

Digital X-Ray

State of the art Medical ICU and Critical ICU

Hight tech neonatal ICU

24 hour Emergency, trauma and accident care

Caring and compassionate nursing service