

Children are precious and parents would go any extent to protect their child’s well-being.

Our Pediatric department offers state of the art facilities and services for comprehensive management of health issues in neonates and children. The caressing hands of our dedicated team of doctors and nurses works uncompromisingly towards the betterment of pediatric and neonatal ailments. The department of Pediatrics at Janardan hospital are equipped to deal with any complicated health issues of children right from new born period to infants and adolescence. Specialized care are to be given at every stages of growth of a child. Hence we are proud that we own an efficient team comprises of highly qualified and experienced specialists in their respective fields. The physical and mental well-being of your child will be safe in our hands.


  • Comprehensive inpatient and outpatient care
  • High tech neonatal ICU
  • Child friendly doctors
  • Caring and compassionate nursing service
  • 24 hours out and out observation